Our Mission At Mount Airy
Mount Airy Has Eight Mission Principles
Worship God In Christ
We worship God through our Savior Jesus Christ with reverence, joy, and musical celebration. We witness God's presence through Word and Sacrament and the healing power of the Holy Spirit
Rejoice In Our Friendship
We rejoice in our friendships with another at work, play or prayer as we express our inclusiveness through our language and actions so all may be drawn inside the circle of God's love.
Grow In Knowledge
We grow in knowledge by educating ourselves, encouraging personal study and spiritual growth and the awareness of God's work in the world around us.
Give Of Ourselves
Through the imitation of Christ and his ultimate gift for us, we give of ourselves with all of our resources in faithful stewardship of God's creation. Our time, our natural abilities, and our talents, are an offering and testimony to God's work in this world.
Care For One Another
We aspire to care for one another with sensitivity and compassion in a non-judgemental way as we accept those in any way different from ourselves and bid them welcome in our midst.
Serve The World
We actively serve the world with a promise to reach out to those in need both near and far in order to provide leadership in service to others.
Welcome All People
We welcome all people with warmth, sincerity, and genuine acceptance as we announce the Good News that God's forgiveness is for all whom come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Proclaim The Good News
We proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ with words and deeds in our daily lives so the witness of God's people may faithfully build up and strengthen the Church.